Conferences participation

Since the founding year of 2003, we have contributed to all major astronomical events in Greece.

This includes all the Panhellenic Meetings of Amateur Astronomers (of which we have actually organized the 3rd and 8th), an event organized annually with a focus on sharing observational experience among amateurs. The meetings take place in mountains with pristine night sky. We have run numerous talks and hands-on workshops during these meetings.

The Panhellenic Conference on Amateur Astronomy takes place every second year. Again the HAAA has been present in all of them with oral and poster presentations, describing results from research projects. In many cases we have also run hands-on workshops focusing on data analysis.

Moreover, we have participated in various international professional conferences, both in Greece and abroad, such as the Hellenic Astronomical Conference, and the European Planetary Science Congress series and the International Meteor Conferences, respectively.

The participation to the conference is of vital importance since we are given the opportunity to communicate the results of our work, discuss them with professional astronomers, form new collaborations, and get involved in new projects.

It is important to stress that we provide full recognition of every member that contribute to each work, and that is why in most of our publications we have multiple co-authors.

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